
ホームニュース メデイア報道 Eco-friendly designs fill hotel in Taipei

Eco-friendly designs fill hotel in Taipei

Jan 07, 2013 | CCTV News


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For many, a hotel may be just a place to rest after a long journey. But one hotel in Taipei has broadened the meaning of accommodation, providing a special picture of eco-design.

The Amba hotel in Taipei has welcomed an increasing number of guests since it opened. The hotel is characterized by its combination of contemporary art, environmentally-friendly design concept and good services. Various goods have been reused and put to a completely different use. The designer has spared no effort to instill the eco-concept into the interior decoration and furniture.

Daphane Wu, Amba Hotel PR, said, "We seldom use carpets in our hotel because we want to reduce the use of water and cleaning products. And the walls filled with charcoal are built to absorb smells and humidity."

Amba has been selected by the design and style magazine, Wallpaper, as one of the best business hotels. It also mixes funky used furniture and art installations created by local artists. The hotel’s furniture is carefully chosen to make the guests feel at home. The design reflects Asian family values, distinguishing Amba from more official-looking hotels.

Daphane Wu said, "Our interior design has been created to make sure guests feel comfortable. Apart from using environmentally-friendly materials, we also use furniture that makes guests feel at home." The environment, science and creativity are all taken into consideration, to give guests a unique experience during their stay.

from : CCTV News http://english.cntv.cn/program/china24/20130107/102215.shtml